
What is a D-Group

A D-Group or discipleship group although it sounds new has deep roots within church history. A D-group is a small group of Christians who meet weekly to hold each other accountable to read scripture, memorize scripture, evangelize, and live holy lives. For centuries Christians have gathered at times in either formal or informal ways to disciple one another and hold each other accountable. Most famously is the example found in John Wesley who whenever he would lead in revivals he would set up two separate styles of small groups. One would be a class which is somewhat similar to our modern-day Sunday School and then the other was a band which is a group that is broken down by gender who would meet to hold each other accountable to holy living. A D-Group is just an updated version of these old-time meetings.

Here are some of the Characteristics.

D-Groups are small and same-gendered

D-groups are intentionally small and vary between 3 to 5 members of the same gender. This allows for more time with each person to share and be honest with fellow members.

D- Groups require an intense commitment

D-Groups agree to meet for 12-18 months weekly with everyone in the group committing to meet and show up prepared for every meeting. Each week every person commits to read 5 chapters of the Bible, memorize a verse of scripture and come prepared to honestly answer the accountability questions.

D-Groups center around the Bible but are not a Bible study

D-Groups are not a Bible Study but rather are believers gathering each week to discuss what God has already shown them in their personal Bible reading.

D-Groups do not replace Sunday School

D-Groups are just another step on the discipleship pathway. Each believer needs regular worship, teaching, and mission activities. D-Groups can meet anywhere and at any time and they are intended to be single-gendered.

D-Groups are intended to multiply

Each member commits to pray that God would use them to multiply the work of discipleship in his church. This is why D-groups meet for a limited amount of time. At the end of the designated amount of time, the group breaks up and starts new groups.

D-Groups are an organized way to fulfill the Great Commission

Ultimately every believer is called to be apart of the great commission and it to work diligently at multiplying disciples from their home to the nations. If one believer disciples 3 believers and at the end of the year encourages them to disciples 3 believers by the end of 16 years over 46 million people will have been discipled at that rate with the power of the Holy Spirit the entire world will have been discipled in 20 years. Look at the chart above and compare the impact that a D-Group can have in a church.

So with all that being said I am excited and looking forward to seeing some D-Groups launch next year. We are already starting some pilot groups and are planning on hosting a training sometime later this fall at Lake Mystic Baptist Church. I look forward to seeing you there and look forward to seeing God use you to multiply disciples.