Worship Services:
If you are like most of us, then you know how difficult at times the week can be. That is why we strive to have worship services that are encouraging. This attitude can be seen from the songs that we sing to the very message that is preached. Our Pastor strives to share God inspired messages that are scripturally accurate and challenging. It is not his intention to try to impress you with fancy words, but rather his desire is simply to communicate truth in a way that is applicable to the listener.
Sunday School and
Adult Bible Study:
We believe that Sunday School is the church organized. It is here in our open small groups that we are able to form lasting friendships as we fellowship and study God's word together
Adult Choir:
Led by Rev. Dane Dillahunty
Senior Adults Ministry:
Led by Jean Revell, and Ruth Wade
Children & Youth Ministries:
(Wednesday nights at 6:00)
"Joy Bells" Children's Choir: Preschool - 5th
Leader - Cindy Brandon
(Wednesday nights at 7:00)
Mission Friends:
Preschool - Kindergarten.
Leader - Elaine Anders
Team Kids:
Grades 1st - 5th
Leaders - Tammy O'Bryan & John El Tipton.
Youth Student Ministry:
Grades 6th - 12th
Led by: Assoc. Pastor Rev. Dane Dillahunty
Brotherhood Organization:
Led by Donnie Read
Women's Missionary Union:
Led by Sandra Coxwell - WMU offers organizations that enable every member of the church to learn about missions, become involved in missions, and live a missional lifestyle. WMU offers many opportunities to fulfill the six areas of missions focus that are at the heart of missions education:
1. Pray for missions.
2. Engage in mission action and witnessing.
3. Learn about missions.
4. Support missions.
5. Develop spirituality toward a missions lifestyle.
6. Participate in the work of the church and the denomination.
Baptist Women's Group:
"Tince Bateman Circle"
Led by Yvonne Watson - On the second Monday of each month (time varies), the "Tince Bateman Circle" group of WMU ladies meet in the church Fellowship Hall. We have a lite meal together before our study of the missionary(s) who is focused for the month in the "Missions Mosaic" magazine. We elect officers from this group of 15-20 ladies who lead out in the following: Program Facilitator, Prayer Patterns, Mission Projects, Joy Baskets, Social Committee, Secretary, and Treasurer. An open invitation is given to any woman who is interested in missions to meet with us and be an active participant.